We live in a world of increasing isolation. Many of us feel disconnected, depressed, and lonely more than ever.
Even those who are rich and famous, like Charlie Haeger of the Chicago White Sox, Indian spiritual guru Bhaiyyu Maharaj or Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, find themselves driven to suicide.
There’s a reason that so many songs talk about being lonely and alone in the world. And there's a reason those songs strike a chord within us when we hear them.
I've always been a 'nice' guy. I get along with people, they get along with me. In high school and college, my fellow students would say hello and smile and would answer a question about class if I had one. I wasn't treated badly (in general) but I was also never really invited to hang out or attend parties. The couple of friends had since childhood had since moved to other cities and so I rarely had a chance to meet up with them. Once I started working, nothing changed. It was just like in college, changing questions about class for questions about work. I "knew" a lot of people but didn't have any real friends.
For some reason, I couldn't get out of that 'irrelevant' zone where no one seemingly wanted to become my good friend. I was open to being friends, but I didn't want to be pushy and 'force' myself on anyone. I made sure to be around, to be seen, to join in any group activities, to sit at lunch tables with others, and pretty much anything else I could think of so people would just ask me to hang out. But it didn't work. I remained the 'nice guy' at the office, and was a lonely guy at home. I knew it was good to have good friends, but I just couldn't seem to make any.
I was also volunteering for a youth organization during this time and found that a lot of the youth (and adult counselors) were having similar struggles with making meaningful friendships and sustaining strong relationships. Many had lots of acquaintances, but no real friends. For some, even their immediate family fit mostly in that acquaintance category. As the person in charge, I felt responsible to try and help. I was willing to suffer myself, but could not stand by and let others suffer. After several years of working with a lot of different people with different personalities and different circumstances, I was able to come up with a simple and straightforward way to help them make new friends and build and sustain their relationships.
For many of them, and it turned out myself as well, there were a few things holding them back. Fear of rejection, feeling they didn't have the right personality, feeling they were too boring, not knowing how to have a conversation and others. Having the step-by-step guide helped them to navigate through their difficulties and challenges and make it through to the end.
Now, they, and I, have all the friends we want. Which isn't necessarily a lot by the way. It really is about quality over quantity. We have someone to call when we want to talk who is there for us, who feels our pain and celebrates our victories. We have someone to spend time with, to relax with, and to have adventures with. A good life really is about having good relationships. And I'm excited to be able to share that process with you.
I call it, Never Feel Lonely Again
A step-by-step guide to making new friends and building positive relationships, no matter who you are.
The five steps to making and keeping good friends
How to start conversations that are engaging and build a relationship
The warning signs of bad friends
Why you don't have to be an extrovert, amazing conversationalist or live an adventure
And a whole ton more!
for a friendship coach or a therapist to help you through the process, as some people I know. And because they charge hourly rates, often as much as $250 per hour, the final cost can be much more. With our 5 step process, you will be getting essentially the same guidance at a fraction of that price. Plus, I guarantee this book - see if a therapist will ever give you your money back if you don't find results with them!
The 5 steps to never be lonely system
A tried and true system for overcoming loneliness by building meaningful and lasting relationships ($249 Value)
Mentor essentials video training
Increase your ability to engage with others by learning the 3 secrets to how superstar mentors are having an unbelievable impact in their communities and helping youth to conquer the world. This training also covers the biggest time-wasting mistakes people make and the one foundational concept that will transform your ability to engage and connect with others. ($149 Value)
Understanding bad friends
A breakout of why some people are toxic to our lives and how to avoid falling in with them and how to remove them from our lives. ($50 Value)
For the first 25 customers, I am extending a personal consultation via email to answer specific questions related to your situation and provide specific feedback on your progress.
Personal email consultation (2 hours)
($199 Value)
Personal consultation helps to quickly narrow down your personal challenge areas and strategize the best methods to move forward for optimal results.
My Personal Guarantee!
I know you are going to make new friends and improve your existing relationships following this straightforward system. If you don't benefit from following this program, let me know and I'll send back every penny you paid.